



Jacobs University Bremen, Career Service
Petra Zarrath



Anzahl der Firmen:



Constructor Career Fair - Bremen

Constructor Career Fair - Bremen
Ingenieurwesen, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften, Informatik, Geisteswissenschaften,
Logo von Jacobs Career Fair

Jobmesse - Info

Die Jacobs Career Fair ermöglicht den direkten Kontakt zwischen Unternehmen/Institutionen und Studierenden sowie Absolventen der Jacobs University. Studierende aller anderen Bremer Hochschulen sind ebenfalls herzlich eingeladen.
Die Messe findet von 14 bis 18 Uhr auf dem Campus in Bremen-Nord statt. Neben der klassischen Ausstellung werden auch Präsentationen und Workshops zu allen Themen rund um das Thema Karriere angeboten.

Zum Veranstalter

Jacobs University is a private university located in Bremen. It is one of the most international universities in Germany, characterized by a truly intercultural community. The university, which was founded in 2001, attracts highly talented and open-minded students from all over the world; more than 1,200 students from over 100 nations currently live and study on our residential campus.

Jacobs University is a research-oriented, state-accredited university with a broad portfolio of undergraduate and graduate study programs from the natural and social sciences to engineering and economics. All programs are taught in English. At Jacobs University, class sizes are small, professors act as individual personal mentors and academic advisors to students.

Students are actively involved in research from their first year of study. In research and teaching, our faculty members follow a transdisciplinary approach, addressing issues from multiple perspectives. In Germany’s most comprehensive and detailed university ranking by the Center for Higher Education (CHE), Jacobs University has consistently achieved top marks since first participating in 2005.

Teilnehmende Unternehmen:



Employer Branding, Recruiting, Company Presentations, Workshops
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